Monday 24 March 2014

Harvest Monday

There hasn't been all that much to harvest in the garden this week, but I did manage to scrape together enough for this little salad for one. It contained baby cos lettuce, rocket/arugula, red amaranth leaves, lebanese cucumber, green mini capsicum, tomatoes, basil and coriander all from the garden, as well as fetta cheese and 'Yumm' original flavoured dressing. See more harvest posts at Daphne's Dandelions!


  1. It might not be much, but it sounds like heaven to me. I'm praying our ground thaws soon as I can't wait to start getting outside again.

    1. Yes I suppose I should be grateful I'm harvesting anything at all! I hope it's not too much longer until you can start gardening again. I would hate to have a whole portion of the year in which I couldn't garden at all!
