Sunday, 1 December 2013

Harvest Monday

Not much to show off this week at all! 

Not surprisingly in the increasing heat, my kale is getting destroyed by bugs.

The culprit (or one of them)!

Three eggs a day, lettuce, carrots and potatoes

I decided to make a quick stew/soup type thing using my carrots, kale and the rest of my broad beans. I basically threw everything in this picture into a pot (in the tubs are frozen kale leftover from juicing and frozen cooked lentils), plus some tomatoes and leftover steamed asparagus, cauliflower and cabbage. 

Coated in cheese, this stew was actually quite nice!

My zucchinis and tomatoes are flowering like crazy, so I'm hoping it won't be too long before I have some more interesting things to show you!


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