Monday, 25 November 2013

Harvest Monday (on Tuesday...)

I missed my first Harvest Monday! I was out from 9am until 11pm yesterday so as you can imagine, I didn't have a whole lot of time to post! My harvests this week have been pretty small, so there's not a whole lot to write about anyway, but regardless I thought I should show you all what's happening in my little corner of the world! 

All I've really harvested is broad beans, carrots, rosemary, mint, some lettuce and a couple of potatoes, and as usual we are getting three eggs every day.

I have hung up some rosemary to dry (I'm hoping this will work OK!) as well as using it fresh, mostly with roasted vegetables.

 My best carrot so far!

My biggest harvest - carrots (I had to pull several out small as they were starting to go to seed), broad beans, mint and a couple of eggs. I have mostly been steaming the carrots and broad beans, and using the mint in my tea. I also gave some broad beans to a friend as I am getting sick of them! This is the last of them however, and I'm sure I'll probably miss them once they've gone.

Unfortunately I think my harvests for the next few weeks will be pretty small and boring as well. I can't wait for my Summer vegetables to start producing! Thankfully the weather is finally warming up (it has been a cold Spring here in Melbourne!) so that should speed them along a bit.

This week I will be planting out yet more tomato seedlings (I already have about 15 in the garden) and placing an order with Diggers for more seeds. I will write a post on that later! 

Also to come - kefir! I am just about to receive some kefir grains, and I can't wait to start producing my own. I'm particularly excited to use the whey it produces to make fermented vegetables. I'm hoping I will be able to grow lots of tomatoes and preserve a lot of them to use over the cooler months.

I'll submit this post to Harvest Mondays at Daphne's Dandelions, so readers of her wonderful blog can see what's growing in different parts of the world.

Thanks for reading!

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