Harvest Monday & Garden Update
So I finally have something slightly more interesting than lettuce to show for harvest Monday! It's certainly not impressive compared to what many bloggers are producing, but it's significant for me. I harvested my first zucchini! It probably got a bit too big (and thus less flavoursome) because I was away for a week and couldn't pick it sooner, but oh well. Here's what became of half of it:
Zucchini, rocket, basil and chives all from the garden (though admittedly the chives are from my housemate's herb garden she just got as a present, and I didn't grow them myself!)
Coconut oil and onion went into the pan...
along with garlic...
and the rocket, basil and chives...
followed by the zucchini, and salt and pepper.
Topped with sheep fetta, this was a really easy, tasty and healthy lunch!
I also decided to sacrifice some potato plants to clear more space for seedlings that need planting out (capsicum, amaranth, chickpea, lettuce, squash...the list goes on). I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had actually produced quite a few potatoes! I was having a carb craving so I ate some of these for dinner boiled and topped with butter, cheese, rocket, chives and basil.

Unfortunately, it can't all be good news. I am very sad to report that my beloved chickens have been killed, presumably by a fox or a cat. The garden really doesn't feel the same without them following me around! They were such inquisitive and friendly chooks, and I will definitely miss having them around. I take comfort in the fact that they were ex-battery hens and we gave them a much happier life than they would have had confined to a tiny cage, and even though they were young, they lived for longer with us than they would have had they not been rescued. Here is one last photo of a couple of the girls enjoying themselves in my backyard.